You Focus on your Business and
we will do the rest.

We have developed a platform and a suite of products designed for small and medium businesses and professionals. The level of services is comparable to that offered by the biggest players in the market, but there is a great added value, our experience! Always we deal to provide our customers, large and small, an excellent level of services

The simplicity of use makes it perfect for a quick start and for work with many type of device, mac os, windows, android and ios. Whatever type of platform prefer, you have the same operating environment with the same resources and your files and programs. You can also manage groups of work by filtering access to files and resources with specific policy

All your work, files, email, etc… will be saved through daily backup systems. The entire platform is protected by firewalls and security devices that prevent viruses and malware, also you can filter web content such as social networks and sites of any category you want to exclude.

Cloud Corporate

Your business tools always available, no problems, no worries. A dedicated virtual desktop always accessible from any device. Don’t Lose Focus on Your Business.

Always Available

How many times the hard disk of your pc you has broke and caused serious problems? With our platform, this will never happen again, you just need to change the device and all your programs and files will be there waiting for you…